Passing Course

To pass the Database Systems course you have to prepare a database in MS Access and make the exercises given in the lectures. All of the exercises given in Instruction sheets must be done.

During the course, we will project various databases. Students will make an application the MS Access containing essential elements, such as data inputs and outputs:

  • design and making tables,
  • create a relationship between tables,
  • design and create queries and reports,
  • develop the user’s interface.

Basic literature

  1. Roman S., 2002. Access Database Design & Programming (3rd Edition), O’Reilly Media.
  2. Jennings R. 2010. Microsoft Access 2010 In Depth. Que Corp, Que
  3. Hennig T., Cooper R., Griffith G.L., Dennison J., 2010. Access 2010 Programmer’s Reference (Wrox Programmer to Programmer).

Supplementary literature

  1. Simpson A., 2004. Access VBA Programming For Dummies. Hungry Minds Trade Co, John Wiley&Sons.
  2. Schmalz M., 2005. Integrating Excel and Access. O’Reilly Media.
  3. Ken Getz K., Litwin P., Baron A., 2004. Access Cookbook, Solutions to Common User Interface & Programming Problems. O’Reilly Media.